Creative and brand direction for Spot. Designed for life in motion, Spot provides bespoke insurance solutions for the outdoor industry.

Spot content created in collaboration with copywriter  Alison Munshower.

Site created in collaboration with Zach Ogaard. See it here.

Partners: Ikon Pass, USA Cycling, USA BMX, Alpenglow Expeditions, Majestic Heli Ski, Powder Mountain, Jackson Hole, Blister, National Ski Patrol and Outside+

Highlights: Glade x Spot goggle design, 4x4 Sprinter wrapped, joined POW’s Brand Alliance, sponsored Austin Smith’s Antarctic expedition, supported several athletes and their independent projects, redesigned, created ownable and authentic content for our channels, produced collaborations with Season Eqpt., Rapha, Rumpl and Ori Magazine, started a Team Spot travel grant program